If it's time for a new car, it's time for a Tesla!

Is your lease almost up? Is the odometer on ol’ Faithful ticking toward dangerous digits? Have you been eyeing the sexy, eye candy baby of the Tesla fleet zipping around and started to wonder…if you could afford one? Would an electric vehicle even fit your lifestyle? Maybe you’ve actually checked them out and now you’re on the fence. Does every friend and family member you mention Tesla to regale you with one horror story after the other? 

If I could I would drive to your house and take each and every one of you for a ride in Helva-Pearl. I would demo Dog ModeRomance ModeEmissions Mode and Nav on AP. I would turn on the bun warmers. Open the frunk. I would take you for a quick ride on the freeway and plaster you back against your seat with my impressive acceleration. And finally I would offer to drive you to the Tesla dealer to pick out your own Model 3. 

I would do all of this because she’s so much fun to drive that every time I get in to run errands I never want to come home. I just want to keep driving. Picking each of you up would be a great excuse to do that. But since I can’t actually do that, I can show you the Tesla version. Check out these short video love letters made by happy Tesla owners themselves.

Thrilling…right? But maybe you need more. 

So how about this Twitter Thread from Zach (@halfinator) why your next car should be a Tesla Model 3. He does a great, brief and to-the-point sell-job. 

Keep in mind the Federal Tax credit expires at the end of 2019. Not sure how that works? Here’s a great explanation from The Washington Post. Don’t miss out on that. Order soon. There’s a backlog. 

Wondering how much you can fit in a Model 3. Check out these YouTube videos: 

Bjorn Nyland Tesla Model 3 Interior, Seat and Cargo Space Watch Video YouTube 32:20
Now You Know Tons of Storage: 12 days of Model 3 Watch Video YouTube 3:55

You want a car that’s safe, right? So, also check out this video about the Model 3s safety rating.

Still have questions or want more information? You can write to us at HeSaid@TeslaModel3Guide.com or SheSaid@TeslaModel3Guide.com. How about a referral code? If you use a referral code when ordering your Tesla, both parties get free Supercharger miles! Our code? Sheryl Scarborough or https://ts.la/sheryl51287.

Just do it! There’s really no reason not to. 

For MORE inside info on the Tesla Model 3 plus awesome Tips and Tricks check out the Tesla Model 3 User’s Guide… available NOW in e-book AND paperback!